101 Learning English: Latihan Listening Test-Missing lyric

101  Learning English: Latihan Listening-Missing lyric

Belajar bahasa Inggring(Learning English) bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dikuasai. Kalian perlu banyak berlatih tentang speaking, listening, dan grammar or writing.

101 Learning English: Latihan Listening Test-Missing lyric
Dalam belajar Listening ada baiknya kalian mulai dengan mendengarkan musik dan menulis kembali lyric nya. Latihan ini sangatlah efektif untuk memperlancar skill Listening anda.
Ok, mulai saja dengan:
  1. mendownload MP3 Berikut, 
  2. Copy lyric dibawah ini
  3. Mulailah anda practice
  4. Evaluasilah hasil latihan anda.

CHARICE (feat. Iyaz) – “Pyramid”

Shawty’s        is like a pyramid (ooh)
We stand          till the very end (eh ooh)
There’ll never be              for sure (ooh)
Iyaz and Charice      we go
Stones, heavy like the love you’ve shown
Solid as          we’ve known
And I just wanna carry on
We            the bottom up
And even in a desert storm
Sturdy as a        hold
Wishing                froze
Now I just          know
Earthquakes can’t_______
Cyclones can’t _______
Hurricanes can’t _______ our love
_______, we built this on a solid rock
It feels just like it’s ____________________
Together at the top, _________________
And even when the ____________
We’ll never fall just keep __________
Forever we will stay, __________________
Like a ___________ like a pyramid eh (ooh)
Cold, never ever wear _________
We will never _________
_______ that was never told
Something like ___________
And ________ you took we’ve grown
Look how fast our time has flown
________ to a place unknown
We’re going ____________
____________can’t shake us
Cyclones can’t ___________
___________ can’t take away our love
____________, keep it going
Like a pyramid _____let me show you
_________ you so much
That we ________ get through (oh oh)
Even when _______
__________, Ima be the one to keep you safe (hey)
Before was our love _______ more than enough
__________ to one another be the cover when it’s rough (oh oh)
_______ nature (hey)
or disaster won’t stop at ____________
[ Back to Chorus]
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